AI And Jobs: Highlighting MKAI’s Impact On ITV News

Richard Foster-Fletcher – June 4, 2024

I recently contributed to an ITV News segment that spotlighted Milton Keynes, my hometown, as an emerging AI hub. The city is swiftly evolving, embracing innovation and creating opportunities for all.

🌟 Core Values in Action:

Milton Keynes is not just my home but also the birthplace of MKAI (originally Milton Keynes Artificial Intelligence). In 2022, MKAI underwent a significant transformation, redefining itself as Morality and Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence to better support our global community and stakeholders. This shift was essential in addressing the multifaceted challenges of AI adoption and literacy on an international scale.

The following core values guide our mission:

  • Ethical AI: At MKAI, we champion the ethical development and deployment of AI technologies. Our commitment is to ensure that AI serves humanity positively and that its benefits are distributed fairly across society.
  • Inclusive AI: MKAI strives to make AI accessible and beneficial to all. We actively work to include diverse voices and perspectives in AI development and deployment, ensuring that AI technologies are inclusive and equitable.
  • Responsible AI: Responsibility is at the heart of MKAI’s mission. We advocate for AI that is transparent, accountable, and developed with a focus on long-term societal impacts. Our goal is to foster trust in AI through responsible practices.

📈 Insights on AI and Employment:

During the ITV News segment, I addressed significant concerns about AI’s impact on jobs. While AI undoubtedly enhances productivity and can reduce the need for certain roles, it is essential to recognize that this transition also creates substantial opportunities for innovation. However, these opportunities do not automatically translate into job creation, particularly in the same volume as the roles displaced by AI.

AI tends to create highly skilled roles, but fewer in number compared to the jobs it replaces. This shift necessitates a broader strategy beyond relying on a few large companies and fortunate entrepreneurs to drive innovation. Each company will face a diminishing need for jobs as AI continues to automate simple and repetitive business functions. This reality presents a clear and present requirement: we need to foster an environment where more people can start more companies.

Achieving this is not inevitable; it requires careful planning, targeted legislation, and strategic incentives. It is imperative that we create frameworks that encourage widespread entrepreneurial activity and ensure that the benefits of AI-driven innovation are broadly distributed. Without these measures, the risk of rapid, large-scale displacement looms large, potentially leaving many without the means to participate in the new economy.  

I’m pleased to share my contributions to a recent ITV News segment focusing on the burgeoning AI landscape in Milton Keynes. This city is rapidly becoming an AI hub, embracing innovation while fostering opportunities for all.

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