About Richard Foster-Fletcher

Richard stands at the forefront of ethical artificial intelligence as an AI Advisor, Author, Speaker, and LinkedIn Top Voice. He is the visionary behind MKAI.org (Morality and Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence), an initiative dedicated to fostering AI’s responsible development and application. Through his stewardship of the Boundless Podcast, Richard delves into discussions about AI inclusivity and digital ethics, contributing to a more equitable technological future. His profound insights have illuminated lecture halls at globally renowned institutions, including the London School of Economics (LSE), University College London (UCL), Oxford University, and Imperial College London, guiding the next generation of tech leaders.

About Richard Foster Fletcher | RFF
Richard Foster-Fletcher - Speaker Reel 2024

An alumnus of the prestigious MIT AI Strategy Course, Richard’s thought leadership on the Future of AI has been widely recognised, including his pivotal role in the Resilience Frontiers Advisory Group for the United Nations Environmental Programme. Beyond academia, his professional journey encompasses influential positions at Oracle Corporation and the BBC, reflecting a diverse career that bridges technology, media, and ethical governance. As an Advisory Board Member for the African Institute of AI, Richard extends his impact, championing innovation and ethical standards across continents. His commitment to ethical AI transcends boundaries, making him a key figure in shaping the future of technology with conscience.


Industry Advisors Icon | RFF
Industry Advisor | RFF
Keynote Speaker | RFF
Keynote Speaker | RFF
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Event Moderator | RFF

Future and Foresight

Richard helps leaders identify and understand major shifts brought about by AI and other emerging technologies. By providing insights into these changes’ impact on their industry and business model, Richard enables them to craft strategies to navigate transformations effectively and stay ahead of the curve.

Richard guides leaders in foreseeing the implications of AI on their operations, market dynamics, and competitive landscape. Through thorough analysis of AI trends and developments, Richard helps leaders anticipate changes and make proactive, informed decisions for long-term success.

Richard supports leaders in preparing their workforce for the integration of AI technologies. This includes identifying new skill requirements, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and implementing change management strategies to ensure a smooth transition and harness the full potential of AI within their teams.

Leadership and Responsibility

Richard helps leaders distinguish between genuine AI advancements and overhyped claims. Through rigorous analysis and evidence-based evaluation, Richard provides clear insights into which AI technologies and trends offer real value and which are unlikely to deliver on their promises. This ensures that leaders invest wisely and strategically in AI initiatives that drive meaningful business outcomes.

Richard works with leaders to establish and maintain high standards of accountability and transparency in their AI-driven decision-making processes. This involves creating robust governance structures, implementing clear ethical guidelines, and fostering an open culture where decisions are made with integrity and are easily auditable.

Richard helps leaders navigate the complex ethical landscape of AI deployment. By providing frameworks and guidance on ethical AI practices, Richard assists them in making decisions that align with their organizational values and societal expectations, ensuring that AI applications are both innovative and morally sound.