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AI and the Future of Jobs – Unveiling Emerging Realities and Prospects

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Enhancing Understanding and Addressing Ethical Challenges in AI

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Analysis of Outcomes and Strategic Directions from the UK Government and MKAI AI Safety Summits

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UBI and Tech Giants: How AI Companies Could Leverage Universal Basic Income to Cement Power


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Instructing AI Ethics and Human Rights

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The AI Book: The Artificial Intelligence Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and FinTech Visionaries


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Policy and Societal Implications of Data Science in Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Review


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£500m worth of AI: Reflecting on the UK’s Unique Future in a Global Tech Race

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Decentralised Science (DeSci) and Its Transformative Impact on Skills, Education, and Work

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Revolutionising Education: Blockchain’s Transformative Impact on Learning and Credentials

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Prompt Engineering Myth

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Shaping Future FE Learning Environments with Conversational AI

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Redistributing AI wealth

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Artificial Intelligence and the FE ‘Classroom’ of Tomorrow

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Mindful Use of AI: A Call to Conserve Energy

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Can Generative AI Learn Social Nuances? A Look at Recent Research Exploring the Future of Social Learning

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The Cost of Inaction: Climate Change’s Growing Toll on Global Labour and Economy

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From Education to Employment: Action Plan for Future Skills in the Context of the 2024 General Election

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The Data Dilemma: Colonisation or Cooperation?

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How SMEs and Educators Can Leverage the AoC Report and Flexible AI Upskilling Fund

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Can Generative AI Learn Social Nuances? A Look at Recent Research Exploring the Future of Social Learning